
Reggie Wilks is quite. unusual^IIa* s your typical superathlete that do.es great in every thing .Be si d.e s being great in every sport,
he gets good grades^Not great,but who needs great grades?When
talk turns to. sports,he* s a real jerkrbut aside from that,he* s
really a nice guy* I can't think of anything bad to say about
him,but nothing super-great comes to mind either.He even has an
athletic name.Reggie.If ever an. athlete had a name,it would be
Reggie.He's one of the few people in. our class that doesn't have
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any personal enemy* s.ihcre1s a few people that rival him,but it’s nothing a© exciting as Luis Schafer1s and John King's total despise for each other.I have no relation to either of them,and wouldn't dare to.Once,they were both at a party,and a monster-ous fight broke, out between them, ending the party .No one knows why they hate each other,but they certaintly do►I've always a-voided both of them as well as. everyone else does..
Reggie and Susan Montgomery have a reputation for being boyfriend and girlfriend,but they're not,.even though, they make a. good show of it..Susan Montgomery is really something else..
She's lust as tall as he is,which is really the only thing they
have in common.She's really a nice girl.The problem is,she's
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nice to everybody,and no body really appreciates the way she gets really personal with you when she talks to you,but then fapgets your name later because she just discussed someone elses life history with them.I used to hang around with her,but I got sick of her.She was one who. never stopped talking,but -also seemed never to start.She's perfect for Reggie Wilks,because he never starts. talking.What makes Susan unusual is that she takes showers fully clothed during; P*E*
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I like the people I hang around with,but I don't see them all emcaigh..When we are. all together,we all have a pretty' good
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time,whatever we're, doing.When, we get into high school,everyone thinks, we're going to have a riotous time,but I sure, don't see it. on the horiz.on.1 think that because in the eighth grade,a lot went on after school and out of school, that I didn't know. about,but would have liked to.Like what do FrOnk Segal and Joe Cannal do after school at the arcade?Probably nothing ‘exciting,
- Author
- mark thomas